Phoenix RISE

Remarkable Individuals Seeking Employment

commercial foods

Program Description

Phoenix RISE is an inclusive postsecondary program tailored specifically for students with intellectual disabilities. Its mission is to enhance independent living skills, offer inclusive and hands-on postsecondary education, and expand employment opportunities.

To learn more about The Phoenix RISE Program, please complete the Phoenix RISE Inquiry form HERE.

The program is structured in two key stages:

Stage One: Students participate in a Specialized Career Instruction – Comprehensive course designed to build essential life skills and career readiness. This stage covers critical areas such as financial literacy, time management, and soft skills, and provides students with industry certifications. Additionally, students are introduced to various career certificate options available at Fred K. Marchman Technical College (FKMTC).

Stage Two: Upon completion of Stage One, students can choose to exit the program or advance to Stage Two. In this stage, they can apply for one of the following career certificate programs offered at FKMTC: Cosmetology, Early Childhood Education, Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning/Refrigeration, Patient Care Technician, and Professional Culinary Arts and Hospitality.

Phoenix RISE is committed to fostering a supportive and empowering educational environment, and we are thrilled to offer this program to provide valuable opportunities and support to our community.


  • Stage One: Specialized Career Instruction – Comprehensive 900 clock hour
    • First Aid/CPR
    • S/P2 – Professional Skills
    • ETA Customer Service Specialist    
  • Stage Two: Students can apply for the following programs:

*Admission to Career Certificate Program is not guaranteed.

    Program Requirements 

    • Be at least 18 years of age by the start date of the first term of the Phoenix RISE Program.
    • Earned a high school diploma or GED.
    • Have an overall goal of becoming employed after the completion of the RISE Program.
    • Ability to navigate the campus independently.
    • Self-identify and provide documentation of an intellectual disability using:
           – Individual Education Plan (IEP)
           – Medical professional documentation (i.e. psychological evaluation) **
           – Official high school transcripts along with IEP
           – Other documentation accepted by the committee **
    • Ended access to Exceptional Student Education (ESE) services by the start date of the first semester of the Phoenix RISE Program
           – Graduating from high school and accepting diploma
           – Accepting previously deferred diploma and ending Exceptional Student Education (ESE) services
           – By aging out of services at 22 years of age
           – Earning a GED

    ** Documentation must include an official letter or report from an agency or medical professional.  Document approval is required from the RISE Coordinator.

    Program Completion

    To complete Stage One of the Phoenix RISE Program, students must obtain at least one of the certifications specified for that stage. Upon reaching the end of Stage One, students have the option to either exit the program to seek employment or apply to one of the five Stage Two programs. To be considered a program completer in Stage Two, students must earn or complete at least one Occupational Completion Points (OCP) within their chosen Career Certificate Program. While completing the entire career certificate program is encouraged, it is not mandatory for program completion. For further details, please refer to the specific career certificate programs listed.


    Students will be expected to be in uniform every day.  The uniform will consist of a Phoenix RISE polo shirt, long pants, and closed-toe shoes.  Clothing must comply with the Pasco County Schools dress code and will be strictly enforced.

    Tools and Supplies 

    Tools and supplies are included in the program fees and will be distributed to students after the first week of school.



    Todd Byers, Program Coordinator
    Building 1, Administration


    Tonia Shook, Director
    Building 1, Administration


    Jayme D’Avanzo, Assistant Director
    Building 1, Administration