
Young woman getting hair styled by MTEC cosmetology student


Program Description

The Cosmetology Program enables students to acquire technical knowledge and skills necessary to qualify for the Florida Board of Cosmetology License Exam.  Instruction includes a combination of class theory and practical experiences through practice with mannequins and clients.  Attendance is crucial to the successful completion of this program.  Students take the Florida Board of Cosmetology License Exam upon completion of the program. To learn more about our Cosmetology program, please schedule an appointment with Kim Dunn, our Career Specialist / Admissions Advisor. 

Is a career in Cosmetology the right pathway for you?  Click here to learn more about what it takes to be successful in Cosmetology! 


Certifications Available

Florida Board of Cosmetology License


College Credit Award

Program completers may receive articulated credit toward an aligned certificate, A.A.S. or A.S. degree program at participating institutions in the Tampa Bay Career Pathways Consortium.  Details may be obtained from the Admissions Advisor / Career Specialist and / or School Counselor.


Career Information

Possible careers after additional training: Hair stylist, nail technician, skin care specialist, salon owner/manager, esthetician, and sales consultants


Basic Skills Exit Requirements

Computations (Mathematics) 9           Communications (Reading and Language Arts) 9

In order to be a program completer, some students must meet minimum math, language, and reading achievement level exit standards on the TABE, unless otherwise exempt, as established by the Florida Department of Education.  Additional information can be found on Page 5 of the MTC Catalog.



This program requires a uniform be worn daily.  The program level will determine the type of the uniform, which may consist of an apron, and/or black professional style, salon appropriate clothing with black professional shoes, socks or hose.  More specific information will be provided by the instructor at the start of class.  



In order to sit for the Florida Board of Cosmetology Exam, you must be at least 16 years of age, high school diploma and have completed 1,200 school hours in a cosmetology program, and must submit the initial HIV/AIDS course completion certificate.


Important Links

Program Instructors

Dana Johnson, Instructor

Florida Cosmetology License
Barbers License
Paul Mitchell Educator
Redken color specialist
Redken cutting specialist
Vidal Sasson customer experience
Train the Trainer
Surface Awaken
First Aid, Domestic Violence, Safety

40+ Years in Field

Building 3, Room 03-026


Kellyann Haudricourt, Instructor 

Florida SkillsUSA Advisor

Associate of Science – Business Administration and Management (Marketing),
St. Petersburg College 1999

Florida Cosmetology License 

34+ Years in Field

Building 3, Room 03-028


Michael Morrison, Instructor

Florida Cosmetology License
Colorado Cosmetology License 
American Crew Advance Men’s Haircutting
Advanced Skincare
Paramedical Aesthetics:
– Chemical Peels
Microdermabrasion and Dermabrasion
Holistic skincare
Bio elements:
– Age Coaching Anti-Aging
– Medical Esthetic Machines into Bio elements Facials
– Brazilian Waxing
– Color Correction Specialist
– Advanced haircutting
– Principals of Finishing (styling )

35+ Years in Field

Building 3, Room 03-024


Jonica Teague, Instructor

Florida Cosmetology License 

18+ Years in Field

Building 5, Room 05-002



Kim Dunn, Admissions Advisor


Shelly Hedgespeth, Career Placement Coordinator