Commercial Art Technology

commercial foods


Program Description

Commercial Art Technology is designed to assist students in acquiring the skills and knowledge for employment in the vast field of commercial art.  The purpose of this program is to prepare students as artists and related design professionals, illustrators and graphic designers.  Additionally, organizations such as retail stores, computer graphic departments, and government agencies employ commercial artists for in-house advertising and related activities. To learn more about our Commercial Art Technology program, please schedule a meeting with Kim Dunn, our Career Specialist / Admissions Advisor.  

Is a career in Commercial Art Technology the right pathway for you?  Click here to learn more about what it takes to be successful in Commercial Art Technology!



  • Adobe Photoshop Certified Associate  
  • Adobe Illustrator Certified Associate 
  • Adobe InDesign Certified Associate 


College Credit Award

Program completers may receive articulated credit toward an aligned certificate, A.A.S. or A.S. degree program at participating institutions in the Tampa Bay Career Pathways Consortium.  Details may be obtained from the Career Specialist/Admissions Advisor and/or School Counselor.


Career Information

Possible careers after two years of post-secondary and/or on-the-job training: Graphic designer, illustrator, animator, web designer, UX designer, entrepreneur, freelance designer, e-commerce designer

Possible careers after a four-year university degree: Commercial art teacher, production artist, digital artist, social media marketing/specialist, visual coordinator  


Basic Skills Exit Requirements

Computations (Mathematics) 9           Communications (Reading and Language Arts) 9

In order to be a program completer, some students must meet minimum math, language, and reading achievement level exit standards on the TABE, unless otherwise exempt, as established by the Florida Department of Education.  Additional information can be found on Page 5 of the MTC Catalog.



Business attire that is typical of this trade will be required.  Uniform shirts are included in the fees and will be ordered after class begins.  Clothing will be in compliance with the Pasco County Schools dress code and will be strictly enforced.



Information regarding supplies required for this program will be discussed in detail during the first week of class.


Important Links

Program Instructor

Linda Bourne, Instructor

Career Certificate – Commercial Art, Pinellas Technical College 2006

Adobe Photoshop

12+ Years in Field

Building 3, Room 03-016



Kim Dunn, Admissions Advisor 


Shelly Hedgespeth, Career Placement Coordinator