Residency Information

Establish Residency
If you are under 24, your parent will have to provide 2 of the documents listed below. For students over 24, you will have to provide 2 of the following documents:
Note: Where applicable, issue date on documents must be more than a year old as of the start of class.
- FL Driver’s License or FL ID Card
- Florida Voter’s Registration
- Florida Vehicle Registration (Plate Issued Date)
- Proof of purchase of a permanent Florida home which is occupied as a primary residence by the claimant
- warranty deed
- proof from property appraiser website that states Homestead Exemption)
- Student’s transcripts from a Florida high school for multiple years (two (2) or more) showing student has received a standard Florida high school diploma or GED, earned within the last twelve (12) months.
- Proof of permanent full-time employment in Florida for at least 30 hours per week documenting that the claimant has been employed for the past twelve (12) consecutive months.
- The Letter must be:
- On company letterhead
- Signed by employer
- Stating the dates of employment
- Average number of hours worked per week
- The contact name and phone number required
- The Letter must be:
If the above documents do not work, please click here for other residency options available to you.
Note: If you are currently an out-of-state student of Fred K. Marchman Technical College and want to become an in-state student, you will need to provide three (3) documents instead of two (2).
If you do not have any of the above documentation, please contact our Admissions Office at 727-774-1700.
We cannot accept:
- Bank Statements
- Birth Certificate
- Cable and Cell Phone Bills
- Concealed Weapon/Gun Permit
- Hand-written self-declaration of domicile in the State of Florida
- Hunting/fishing License
- Insurance Cards (Health or Auto)
- Invalid/Expired Documentation
- Library Cards
- Passport
- Resident Alien Card
- Shopping club or rental cards
- Social Security Card
- Tax Returns
- Visa
For more information on what the State requires for in-state residency click here.
Contact Information
Kim Dunn
Admissions Advisor
(727) 774-1703
Nicole Graziano
Certified School Counselor
Contact Ms. Graziano