Welcome Early Childhood Program Parents!

Thank you for your interest in Marchman Technical College’s GED and ESOL programs. If you are on this page you should be ready to pay for and schedule your TABE / CASAS test. Once that is done, you can continue on to fill out your application and pay your application fee. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at any time during your enrollment process.
This is a two step process. Step 1 is to pay for and schedule your TABE / CASAS test. Step 2 is to complete your application, which includes an application fee.
TABE / CASAS Test: Paying for and scheduling your test is the first step to enrolling in one of the programs at Marchman Technical College.
If you are seeking admissions into the GED program to earn your GED you must fill out an application.
If you are seeking admissions into the ESOL program to learn English you must fill out an application.
Important Links
Rob Aguis, Director
Building 1, Administration
Alicia Leary, Assistant Director
Building 1, Administration
Thomas Brochu, Assistant Director
Building 1, Administration
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